Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The little men.

Erik is 4# 14 oz., Isaac is 3 # 6 oz. Isaac is off caffeine again for a trial period. It has a half life of 5 days so hard to tell for a bit if he will have to go back on. So far so good. Erik is nearly ready for a crib. He easily overheats in the isolette at the lowest setting but when they turn it off he gets too cold. Just have to fatten them both up a bit more. They are both chugging down their bottles and gaining weight consistently. They have the greatest expressions.


  1. Do they get time together? I cant wait to see more pix. Hugs to you!

  2. I was wondering about together time, too. I know next to nothing about NICU's but I remember they tried to keep twins together where I trained.
