Yesterday Erik was discharged from the hospital. My Mom and Ivan came down to stay with me and Erik at the apartment so I can keep coming to the hospital to take care of Isaac. So it was bittersweet to take one baby home and leave the other one. Poor little Isaac looks kind of lonely in there all by himself. He had a little setback with his breathing two days before they were supposed to both be discharged so he needed some oxygen and will be a couple more days. They ran a bunch of tests to see what the deal was since it seemed to come on rather suddenly but the consensus is that he is just acting like a preemie. Chest x-ray, blood tests, urine culture all negative. He had been off caffeine for several days and seemingly was doing fine but apparently just ran out of reserve. So they are talking of starting the caffeine again and going home with it and an apnea monitor. It was unnerving for him to be having problems again but I am thankful that they happened here. In Chester, it would have been way more involved.
Erik is doing very well at home. Bummer-now I have to do the night shift:) Ivan was very impressed with his new brother at first but now is starting to wonder why he doesn't get all of Mom's attention. Wait until the other one comes home! He was very sweet and gentle with him and said, "He's so cute." And he's great about washing his hands before touching him. He was 5# 8oz. the day of discharge. Isaac is 3# 15oz. So close to the 4# mark!
Bittersweet. Good description, Brenda. The mom in me cries out for the mom in you. Loving you.