Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Isaac is having surgery today.

Isaac had an upper GI study on Monday to look at the reflux problems he has been having. The study showed that he is refluxing into his airway, which is why he is having the respiratory problems he has been having. The doctors recommended a 24 hour room air trial (off his oxygen) and see how he did with all the reflux precautions in place (thickened feedings, medications, head of crib elevated). He did okay for most of the day but eventually flunked the test so the next step is to look at an antireflux surgery. This procedure is called a Nissen fundoplication and involves wrapping the upper portion of the stomach (fundus) around the lower segment of the esophagus to create a one way valve. This is a technically simple, permanent procedure that will fix the reflux problem. After talking extensively with both the neonatologist and the general surgeon we have decided to go ahead with this. It is difficult to make this decision for our tiny baby but we have tried all the other alternatives for managing the problem medically and they are not working. If he continues to reflux into his airway he is at risk for aspiration pneumonia and other chronic lung diseases, besides needing to be on oxygen. So there really is no alternative. We drove to Great Falls last night and snuggled with little Isaac this morning before he goes to surgery at 11 a.m. He is 5# now and is so cute and snuggly. The neonatologist believes that he may be home in another week or so without meds, oxygen and most importantly, without reflux. We are cautiously optimistic about this prediction since he was supposed to come home twice already. Mom and Dad Benjamin came to Chester and picked up Ivan last night. Erik is with us.

1 comment:

  1. Another loop-de-loop on your rollercoaster ride. It's hard to imagine that you will eventually be able to look back on this instead of being smack dab in the middle of it.

    I don't suppose they can do this laparoscopically?
