Friday, September 25, 2009

Home in Chester with Erik.

Thought I better update. We are home in Chester with Ivan and Erik. Erik is doing great-had his first appt with his new family doctor and she said he was perfect. He is right around 6# now. Ivan is adjusting quite well-esp. considering all he has had to adjust to in the last month! My Mom came and helped us yesterday and he was so glad to see Grama Jewell! They played outside for 1 1/2 hours while I took a lovely nap. The neighbor kids have been over to look at him-I held him up in the window for them. I put a big sheet of freezer paper on the front door so they wrote him messages.

Isaac is still in the NICU. He is on antibiotics for 48 hours for a "suspicious spot" on his lungs that may be pneumonia. They just treat right away instead of waiting for him to get really sick so that's good. Last night's report was that he is doing well. He is on oxygen at a very low dose and his O2 saturation is good. We are planning to go down to visit tomorrow. Lance and I will take turns with the other 2 so we can each go to a care time. He is about 4 1/2 pounds now.

Erik is sleeping and Ivan is wanting some attention so better run along.


  1. Genius idea, the paper on the door :-))

  2. We're glad to check your blog and see things are going well...we think of you often!
