Sunday, September 20, 2009

Isaac hits 4#!

Isaac weighed in at 4# 4oz. tonight. He is doing fine and expected to be discharged Tuesday. The plan changed a bit as they reviewed the situation a bit more. He is off the caffeine and oxygen and on prevacid (for reflux) instead. The thought process is that at his gestation (37 wks) he really shouldn't be needing the caffeine, he has never needed oxygen so that didn't really make sense, and the fact that caffeine can cause reflux, plus the fact that his incident was feeding related made them think that his problem could just be a weak sphincter leading to reflux-which will resolve in time. He's been off the oxygen for 36 hours and doing great. He will still go home on an apnea monitor.
Erik is home with Lance and me in Chester for the night. He has his first appointment at the clinic here tomorrow to meet his new doctor and establish care.
Ivan is at Grampa and Grama Wickums for a few days. By the end of this week we should all be under one roof again. And Ivan may be wondering if we're ever going to stop introducing new babies!


  1. Your heavy in my thoughts! such a cute publish's!

  2. Thanks Brenda for all the photos and all you have written! It was wonderful to see and I am and will follow along with love, care, and great interest! Love to each! Julia

  3. What a ride! It's all so interesting when you explain it. I love it when you talk 'nurse'! :-))

  4. I'm finally taking time to check some blogs, so am glad for the update on your family.
