Sunday, September 6, 2009

2 weeks old.

I was sick for a few days and out of commission so will try to catch up. Let's see-weights are always a hot topic. Erik was 4# 10 oz. at last weigh-in. Isaac was 3# 3 oz. So they were both up 7 oz from their birth weights. I think I even detected a little sliver of fat under Isaac's chin:) Erik already had an extra chin. While I was gone for a couple days they made some progress on their feedings. The nurses fed them with a bottle every other feeding and both of them chugged it right down. Now we are back to bottle 1x/day and breastfeeding 2x/day. I tried feeding them both at once today-that was a dog-pile! Their feedings are increased to 30cc (1 oz) for Isaac and 40cc for Erik. They are both in their isolettes at the lowest temp setting. They have bright little eyes and they are so sweet:) While I was home we had Ivan with us and it was great to see him. He is growing too I think-every time I see him! And learning new words. I'll try to update some pics on here soon. Seems like my day goes by pretty fast between trips to the NICU.


  1. Love the image of a dog pile. All you needed was Ivan to climb up and supervise ;-)

  2. Thinking of you! I was going to call you Friday and stop by the hospital when you were there with the boys....and found out you had gone home! am in Bozeman this week, will return on Thursday in time to meet Tammy's plane. We will try to get by either Thursday afternoon or Friday.

  3. Glad to hear things are progressing along! Keep inspired :)
