Thursday, October 8, 2009

3 sweet boys.

One of the benefits of having a NICU baby (or two) is that they are on this fantastic schedule. We are happily humming along here. Keeping these three clean and fed is a full time job. It is wonderful to have my Mom here for a few days. My dishes magically are washed and put away. I put laundry in the washer and next time I check it is neatly folded. Ivan is quite sweet with the babies-of course it helps to have Grama here giving him extra attention. He went out and played in the leaves this afternoon. Very cute to watch him jump around and enjoy them. We weren't sure whether to rake leaves or shovel snow today. The day started out with fog and turned to cold, blustery wind and swirling, dry snowflakes. Temp in the 20s. ZZzzbrr.


  1. I'm glad you were safely tucked in at home with all your punkins before this nasty weather started. Sure nicer than braving the road to Gt. Falls to visit one!

  2. Oh, and . . . got any new pictures? ;-))

  3. having the babies come home "programmed" is great, isn't it? it sure made our lives easier.

  4. Oh the joy of having 3 sweet boys in the house!
