Thursday, October 1, 2009

Isaac post-op day 1

Isaac stayed on the ventilator through the night. This morning the nurses were still suctioning quite a bit of icky mucous from his lungs so they sent some off for culture and started him on an antibiotic. So that was hard news. Realistically, I suppose it's not unexpected. The whole point of doing the surgery was because he has been aspirating his feedings into his lungs so this just underlines the fact that the surgery was necessary. This evening he is doing much better. He is having less secretions and he is breathing some on his own so they turned the rate down on the ventilator to 20. It was originally 30 and it has been going down slowly as they wean him off. Hopefully they will be able to extubate in the morning. We are very aware at this point in our NICU experience that there is no script for this. It is Isaac's show and he is running it. So he calls the shots and we just take it one day at a time.
We are so encouraged by all those praying for our little one. I know that people we haven't even met are praying for him because they are friends of our friends or friends of our family members. We are touched by the thoughtfulness and love poured out on his behalf.

1 comment:

  1. Hear for my visit! Wish I was there rather to fold some laundry, rock a baby, or prepair a dinner ~ thinking of you!!!
