Sunday, October 4, 2009

Isaac post op day 4

This blog is helping me from having the days run together quite so much. Lance and I each went to one care time with baby Isaac before heading back home to Chester today. He is improving bit by bit. His oxygen came off this morning, he is at full feedings and his IV is out. Now the game is maintaining the progress he has made. His cute little face is that much cuter without the oxygen tubing running across it.
Erik had several darling smiles for me today. Gas or not, they were adorable on his chubby little face.
Ivan and I went for a walk today. We ended up at the school and I thought he might want to play on the playground while I did a lap or two around the track but he trotted right along with me. He is working on his pronouns and mixes them up in the cutest way. He was looking at a family picture of Lance, me and him when he was a baby. He pointed out "Mommy, and Daddy, and Youuuuu!!!"
There is a hint of winter in the air. No snow here but chilly, windy and spatters of rain.


  1. Ivan's so cute and sweet. Can't wait to meet the other two. (This is me, being patient.) ;-)

  2. Thanks for the updates! We're thinking of your little family every day! Would love to see some more pictures of your boys...

    Eric, Nicole and Emilyn

  3. they are so much cuter without the tubes.

    (my little nicu baby will be 6 months old on wednesday. i can't believe it!)
