Sunday, August 23, 2009

NICU news

The news on Erik and Isaac for the day: Erik got a PICC line yesterday-which means he won't have to get poked for a new IV every couple days. They attempted one on Isaac but weren't able to get it so a surgeon will put it in tomorrow. We had lots of visitors today-Grampa Cliff and Grama Jewell brought Ivan down to see us. He is having a great time with his grandparents and was full of words about the sandbox and John Deeres. Uncle Roy and Aunt Kaylee came to visit as well. Only grandparents are allowed in the NICU so they had to peek from a window. We did "kangaroo care" with the babies this evening. We do this about once/day and it is wonderful to hold them close against my skin and love on them. Isaac is under the bili light for jaundice, which is pretty expected. Erik's bilirubin level is actually slightly higher but since he is bigger, he can handle it for now. They are both doing better with their feedings. I had enough breast milk for both of them to have it for most feedings today. All in all, they are doing very well. Lance and I feel and appreciate all your loving thoughts and prayers. We feel so blessed by the support of our wonderful families and friends! God is taking wonderful care of our little family.

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