Tuesday, August 25, 2009

In our Gift of Life apartment

I was discharged yesterday. Lance and I picked up Ivan and went to our very own house for the night. It was hard to leave my little guys but, of course, they are in great hands. Today we dropped Ivan back off at his grandparents and got moved into our Gift of Life apartment. We are so fortunate to be able to stay in this free apartment while our babies are in NICU. It is funded by the foundation.
The babies are doing well. Isaac's got his PICC line now and is done with the bili light. Now Erik is under the light. I was glad to hold my sweet little babies again. They are both doing great with their feedings and as long as they keep tolerating it they will increase by 1 ml every 12 hours until they are up to the amount needed for their weights.
Ivan is having a great time at Grampa and Grama's. He is playing in the sandbox, running through the sprinkler, and loving every minute of farm life with the trucks, tractors, and combines. We miss him and look forward to having our new family all together someday. But for now, we are just very thankful for our babies doing well.


  1. Thanks SO much for sharing this part of your journey with us and for all the beautiful pictures! They are both adorable and so tiny and perfect! We are thrilled that they are doing so well and such good Apgars and excellent respiratory status. Sounds like all they need is a little growing time. =) We are thinking of you all and wishing you the very best! ~Chris & Bill & kids

  2. Life sort of got in the way there for a bit, so I'm just catching up with your baby news. So glad to hear they're doing well -- Ivan, too. :-) Any idea of how many weeks or months before you all get to come home?
