Saturday, October 24, 2009

Erik and Isaac-2 months old!

Our little men are doing fine at home. I stay pretty occupied keeping their bellies full and their diapers empty. Ivan is such a great little helper-so willing to fetch things for me when I am taking care of Isaac, since he's on a leash. Both babies were weighed this week. Growing like little weeds. We go to lots of doctor appointments so they are watched carefully. Thankfully nobody has gotten sick.
Erik taking a little snoozeroo. Tsk-on his belly.
Isaac with his fashion accessory.

Four bright little eyeballs...and Isaac is bored with the whole thing. Ivan, Erik, Isaac.

Erik 9# 5oz. Isaac 6# 5oz.

This is Isaac in the little gown that was specially made for my Dad when he was born because he was a preemie as well and there was nothing to fit him. Isaac is all upset because he thinks it's a dress. Mooo-om!!


  1. heehee Poor Isaac in a dress.
    Interesting to see the difference three pounds makes.

  2. I put Benjamin on his belly too sometimes--and I don't feel a bit bad about it! Can't live your whole life by the scientific method anyway.
    I can't imagine having two babies to take care of. One is incredible. You sure seemed in great spirits when I saw you the other night. Thanks for posting.

  3. They are very precious little ones. So glad to read your updates. Hope you can all continue to do well!

  4. Your boys are adorable... the little ones sure are growing!! I love the pea pod snugglers!!
